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Leuchtturm-Verein Gruppe

Öffentlich·2 Mitglieder

David Sanders
David Sanders

Easy Translator

Overall, Easy Translator is a small tool, but effective, implementation of the translation between multiple languages. It's easy to work and does not require computer skills to master this tool. It just packs the standard features to handle the translation process should not be able to compete with other powerful tools on the market.

Easy Translator

The app also includes another useful feature that allows users to convert the texts they type into MP3 files for you to listen to them anytime. It is also possible to print the translations. It is important to know that keyboard shortcuts are also available, but cannot be assigned. Overall, Easy Translator activation code is a small but efficient tool that performs translations between multiple languages. It is easy to use and no computer skills are required to master this tool. It only includes standard features related to the translation process, so it cannot compete with other powerful tools on the market. 041b061a72


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